Congratulations to all our Year 11 leavers who have gained the grades they richly deserved and worked so hard for. It was fantastic to see nearly all the pupils after such a long time away from school.  Mr Raikes, Headteacher said “I am so proud of how this year group who achieved so much while at Greenbank in so many ways such as through their leadership, the Arts sport and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and has been topped off with excellent GCSE and vocational grades. I am delighted about the progress made by all pupils of all abilities and they are well equipped to pursue the next stage of their journey and flourish in whichever career path they choose in the future.  A further congratulations to the 5 pupils who achieved at least 10 grade 9s and a staggering 34 pupils who achieved at least 8 grade 7-9s.  I look forward to hearing about all our pupils future successes and them visiting us again soon as role models to others.  We will miss you but you will forever be a Greenbank pupil.”
