The structure of this subject has been designed to give learners the opportunity to develop food preparation and cooking skills as well as transferable skills of problem solving, organisation and time management, planning and communication.

As part of their work with food, students will be taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Instilling a love of cooking that will open the door to one of the great expressions of human creativity. Learning how to cook being a crucial life skill that enables students to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.

The GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition equips learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating. It encourages learners to cook, enables them to make informed decisions about food and nutrition and allows them to acquire knowledge in order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.

This EDUQAS specification has been designed to enable centres to concentrate on innovative delivery of the course whilst creating a balance between practical and theoretical knowledge and understanding. The layout of the content into six areas of content promotes flexibility of delivery, and releasing two tasks for each of the assessments that constitute the non-examination assessment will ensure learners are able to complete assessments suitable to their needs and that of the centre.

By studying food preparation and nutrition learners will:

• be able to demonstrate effective and safe cooking skills by planning, preparing and cooking a variety of food commodities whilst using different cooking techniques and equipment

• develop knowledge and understanding of the functional properties and chemical characteristics of food as well as a sound knowledge of the nutritional content of food and drinks

• understand the relationship between diet, nutrition and health, including the physiological and psychological effects of poor diet and health

• understand the economic, environmental, ethical and socio-cultural influences on food availability, production processes, diet and health choices

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of functional and nutritional properties, sensory qualities and microbiological food safety considerations when preparing, processing, storing, cooking and serving food

• understand and explore a range of ingredients and processes from different culinary traditions (traditional British and international) to inspire new ideas or modify existing recipes.

Food learning journey

Curriculum Organisation and Delivery

At KS3 food & nutrition is planned to ensure learners are equipped with the practical skills and knowledge outlined in the national curriculum programme of study. All skills are planned to develop skills from KS2 and to mirror those required for the practical examination in KS4.

As the school has such a broad range of feeder primary schools. Building on the legal requirements, we aim to further develop learners’ basic practical skills and their understanding of basic nutrients and food provenance. When starting in year 7, some pupils struggle to recall knowledge of basic nutrition and can lack confidence when carrying out basic practical tasks like weighing and measuring, chopping, using an oven or hob. We have mapped our curriculum to ensure we increase skills and knowledge rapidly at KS3 through the implementation of the KS3 POS which will ensure learners can access the KS4 GCSE curriculum.

Year 7 have 4 lessons per fortnight and Y8 3 on a rotation in mixed ability groups, so that all pupils experience Food and can make an informed choice to study to GCSE.

Pupils on average cook every other lesson meaning that pupils cook each week of the course both at KS3 and KS4. Pupils are responsible for bringing their own ingredients into school Pupil Premium pupils have the option to have ingredients provided for them by the school.

Seating plans in the room ensure that Pupil Premium and SEND pupils are situated in the middle of the room at the front so as that they are able to access guidance from the teacher and support staff.

Theoretical work is carried out in workbooks and topics covered link to the recipe or dish they are making. This work includes hygiene and safe working practices in the food room. Food provenance, Healthy Eating, nutrients and food science. Literacy and understanding of keywords is reviewed and students are questioned and reminded about the food specialist terminology work during practical lessons to embed the knowledge. Subject specific

Vocabulary is focussed throughout KS3 to ensure students are able to access the GCSE course.

Year 7 Food and Nutrition:

Students will learn how to apply the principles of healthy eating. Students will be introduced to the Eat well guide and 8 guidelines for healthy eating, health and safety, preparing and making food, food provenance and food choice. Students will learn the importance of hygiene and the potential hazards when working in the technical area. Complete an extended writing task considering how we use our sensory perceptions to describe food products.

Students will prepare and cook a variety of savoury and sweet dishes incorporating theoretical understanding and knowledge: Fruit salad, mini grilled pizza, apple crumble, carrot cake, scones, potato salad, cheese straws and quesadilla. These recipes have been selected to build a broad range of practical skills and techniques using the different parts of the cooker.

Safety & Hygiene

Identify hazards that occur in a kitchen, describe how to reduce hazards, what action to take if an accident happens, explain how to use a knife safely.

Food provenance and food choice

Pupils learn about food miles and the environmental impact of importing products. Pupils consider how different foods are produced – Organic, locally grown, free range and Fairtrade. International cuisine – foods from around the world.

Food preparation

Develop fine motor skills when using sharp knives and demonstrate the bridge and claw methods, demonstrate knowledge of different parts of the cooker and be able to identify what

they might be used for, understand the different functions of ingredients through practical cookery eg. Create a basic shortcrust pastry to understand the shortening properties of fat.

Pupils are encouraged to prepare for making by weighing their own ingredients and practise a range of methods of making. Independent working to build practical skills and team work when clearing and cleaning work areas.


Explore the Eatwell Guide and be able to plot foods from own diet into the different sections.

Explore the 8 guidelines for healthy eating and be able to think of practical ways to implement them into everyday life. Understand the meaning of Food Provenance, identify foods that are grown in the UK, explain what Organic farming is and identify advantages and disadvantages, understand the term ‘food wastage’ and be able to describe different ways of reducing food miles and food waste, list reasons why buying local produce is better for the environment.


Year 8 Food and Nutrition:

Students will learn how to apply the principles of food science and learn about the functions of ingredients in predominantly savoury dishes. Understanding the functions of ingredients helps students to make better quality practical dishes and allows pupils to investigate how to evaluate and improve recipes. Students will learn the importance of hygiene and the potential hazards when working in the technical area. Students will prepare and cook a variety of dishes incorporating theoretical understanding and knowledge: Macaroni cheese, bread, pizza (making own dough), Jam tarts, quiche, cheese and onion pasty, Dutch apple cake

Safety & Hygiene

Reinforce rules on kitchen safety, recap and recall how to set up for a practical lesson. Learn about 4 Cs – cooking, cleaning, chilling and cross contamination. Identify key temperatures for cooking and holding food. Identify causes of food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria and understand why different foods are stored in different areas.

Food provenance and food choice

Primary and secondary processing of foods. How eggs are farmed. Logos – British Lion stamp, Organic, Assured food standards, Organic and GM.

Food preparation

Use the hob and oven safely, demonstrate knife skills, combine and shape ingredients, show understanding the functions of ingredients in sauce making, bread and pastry making. Develop skills by making the same basic recipe but turning it into a different sweet or savoury dish eg. Cheese sauce and lemon curd. Show knowledge of ingredients by adapting or modifying a recipe whilst making – knowing how to improve something because of the knowledge gained by understanding the functions of ingredients. Pupils will write plans for practical making for both cheese sauce and bread using a range of subject specific food science terminology – this gives pupils a solid foundation for building on during the food GCSE course.


Name the 3 macro nutrients and state at least one function and source of each. Explain why vegetables and cereals are important in the diet. Identify the primary and secondary processing of food. Understand the importance of water and fibre in the diet.

GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition

We teach the Eduqas GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition in commodities.

Running through the commodities work we look at the remaining areas within the syllabus:

Principals of nutrition and diet and good health are the foundations on which to build the rest of the course. During each of the topic areas diet, nutrition and health is considered within that particular commodity. Eatwell guide and 8 guidelines for health diet is revisited throughout the course.

The following are also revisited through the different commodities.

· Food spoilage

· Food provenance and food waste

· Cultures and cuisines

· Technological developments

· Factors affecting food choice

Pupils are issued with a recipe book at the beginning of a new topic so as that they are aware of what dishes they will be making. Many pupils use the recipe books to practise recipes at home this encourages pupils to build their skills to a higher level and also evaluate ways of improving their work. Recipe books contain key food science terminology and suggests ways of storing or reheating foods to keep them safe.

Pupils on average cook every other lesson meaning that pupils cook each week of the course. Pupils are responsible for bringing their own ingredients into school Pupil Premium pupils have the option to have ingredients provided for them by the school.

Year 9 – First year of the GCSE course

Term 1 – Fruit/vegetables/cereals

Food science – gelatinisation, gluten formation, dextrinization, enzymic browning

· Hygiene and safety – Southport College link to complete Food Hygiene and safety course and work book

· Build knife skills and chopping techniques – different cuts of carrots – how to chop an onion- this skill is practised throughout the practical tasks – Vegetables soup, ratatouille, vegetable rosti, dauphinoise potato, apple pie, risotto, vegetable curry, fresh pasta, tuna pasta bake, spaghetti Bolognese, shepherd’s pie

· Food provenance – different varieties of fruit and veg – seasonal/Fairtrade/locally grown/organic/Genetically modified/food miles/carbon footprint

· Nutritional value of foods – 3 macro nutrients – fat and water soluble vitamins

· Staple foods (potato, rice pasta, wheat)

· Bread making – Biological raising agents, gluten formation, technological advancements in making using the Chorleywood process

· Heat transfer methods and methods of cooking – conduction, convection, radiation.

· Function of water and fibre in the diet – good sources from foods and symptoms of deficiency

· Regional foods – how geography, climate, religion and culture effects food choice


Term 2 – Cooking with eggs

Food science – raising agents (foam formation) protein denaturation and coagulation of egg proteins.

· Methods of farming eggs – free range, barn, caged and organic (factors affecting food choice)

· Anatomy of an egg (food science)

· Nutritional value – Function of protein in the diet – High biological Value proteins – how proteins are formed and changed during the cooking of food.

· How to test for freshness, storage and safety measures (British Lion Stamp)

· Functions of eggs in cooking – coagulation, thickening, emulsification, binding, coating, garnish, setting

· Build practical skills and techniques through cooking– spaghetti carbonara, meringue, lemon drizzle cake, chocolate mousse, custard, bread and butter pudding, fruit tarts, chicken goujons, lemon meringue pie.

This topic allows students to practise and refine their manual dexterity skills through piping, separating eggs, whisking. The students experience what can go wrong when making a range of sweet and savoury dishes with eggs gaining valuable tips for how to prevent things going wrong.

Term 3 – Pastry making

Food science – Shortening properties of fat, raising agents (steam), plasticity, dextrinization, denaturation, coagulation

Shortcrust pastry and more advanced pastries such as choux pastry, flaky pastry, Pate Sucre, enriched pastry

Mastering skills

Understand the science behind the conditions in which pastry should be made – cold environment, little handling, blind baking, rubbing in, laminating to create layers in flaky pastry.

Students refine pastry handling techniques and improve and adapt their shaping skills.


Year 10 – GCSE

· Why is food cooked

· How heat is transferred to food

· Selecting appropriate cooking methods for particular types of food

· Factors affecting food choice – religion, social/moral, financial cost, vegetarianism (types of and reasons for choice) environmental impact of farming and food sustainability.

· Build upon food skills focusing on how dishes can be modified/adapted or upskilled


Term 1

Meat Fish and poultry

Food provenance – Types of poultry – types of, how to portion a whole chicken – Chicken Kiev, chicken ballotine, chicken and tomato casserole, meatballs, scotch egg, toad in the hole, filleting a fish, fish cakes, fish pie

Why we cook food and effect of heat on physical properties of food – food safety, maillard reaction, dextrinization.

Red meat – types (lamb, beef, goat) of and different cuts from the animal

Offal – types and nutritional value

Fish – types (Oily fish, white fish, shell fish) nutritional value (HBV, Omega 3 fatty acids)

· Effect of heat on protein

· Methods of cooking

· Tenderising meat – mechanically, marinating, slow cooking

Factors affecting food choice – vegetarianism (lacto ovo, lacto and vegan) nutritional deficiencies – protein, vitamin b12 and Iron.

Technological advancement – Protein alternatives (quorn, soya products, tofu, TVP)

Nutrition – Focus on Protein in the body (nutritional needs of different ages) Types of proteins (HBV and LBV) protein complementation.

Extending practical skills

The work is supported by Southport College visit to the professional kitchens where students have the opportunity to practise filleting flat fish, build upon pastry handling and shaping skills, practise presentation techniques.

Prepare combine and shape ingredients – Refine shaping techniques

Shortcrust pastry, choux pastry, flaky pastry, sweet pastry


Term 2 – Dairy products and basic mixtures

Making homemade butter from cream, cheese and chive soufflé, strawberry cheese cake, Victoria sandwich cake, swiss roll, ginger cake,

· Food provenance – investigate a range of dairy products from different animals.

· Factors affecting food choice – understand the different types of cow’s milk (whole, semi skimmed, skimmed) and why certain groups of people may choose different varieties. Investigate the nutritional needs of different groups of people (pregnant ladies, elderly, sporty teenagers, young children and babies)

· Nutritional value – Fats (chemical composition of saturated and unsaturated fats) Trans/hydrogenated fats

· Health and diet – effect of excess fat in the diet – health related problems – CHD, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, mental wellbeing, pressure on joints

· Understanding food allergies – Lactose intolerance – milk alternatives

· Marketing, packaging and labelling – traffic light labelling, what is required by law, use by/sell by date.

· Food science and technological developments– homogenisation, pasteurisation, UHT, condensed, dried, evaporated, sterilization – fortification of dairy products (adding vitamins and minerals) and functional foods (eg. Benecol used to lower cholesterol).

· Explain the term fortification and the health benefits associated with including foods in the diet.

· Hygiene and safety – making dairy foods safe to eat, storage – safe useage of bacterial cultures to make and improve dairy products.

· Understanding how dairy products are processed – Cheese, yoghurt, butter, cream

Term 3 – Mock NEA2

Students will plan and prepare to make 2 dishes in 3 hours. Using the skills learnt over the last 2 years pupils will research suitable recipes and construct a time plan to make 2 dishes in 2 hours. Students will prepare, cook and present their dishes which will be served to staff. Staff will give pupils feedback on dishes made which will help with evaluation.

Sensory evaluations are completed on a food and nutrition computer programme. The nutritional value of the dishes are reviewed and students identify ways of modifying and adapting the dishes to improve the nutritional content. Star profile sensory analysis completed on the programme to record the sensory evaluations of their peers.

NEA2 mock is valuable to students as they then understand the format in which they will have to work in year 11 for NEA2.

Year 11 – GCSE

NEA1 for 2021/2022 has been cancelled due to covid

Term 1 – revisiting practical making of high level skill dishes in preparation for NEA2 – dishes to be confirmed.

NEA2 – Food Preparation task (50%) – marked internally and moderated

Exam board releases the task earlier due to Covid

General guidance is provided for students for how to analyse and research the task.

NEA Task 2: Food Preparation Assessment – Researching the task / Demonstrating technical skills / Planning for the final menu / Analysis and evaluation

Term 3 – NEA submission and revision of topics covered

  • Preparation for exam by walking talking questioning
  • Written exam past papers
  • Topic mapping
  • Seneca learning assignments
  • Eduqas GCSE revision books are provided for all pupils.
  • Other evision materials are provided for pupils

Exam: Written exam (50% of GCSE): 1 hour 45 minutes


Our school is committed at every stage to ensure that no pupil is disadvantaged because they do not have the cultural experience to access the full curriculum and within Food the following key areas are developed:

· A love of the subject and a love of learning Practical lessons are enjoyed every week with high pupil participation. Pupils achieve high level of success in the practical making taking home a wide range of dishes.

How does the department faculty develop careers provision and aspiration? (May refer to particular SOW) Pupils are introduced to the catering industry by attending Southport College to take part in workshops with chefs and competitions to cook healthy meals for the Local Rotary Club. The Armed Forces have worked with pupils to introduce the opportunities in catering within the Armed Forces. Pupils are given information about a range of job roles and opportunities in the food industry to ensure they are aware of the opportunities the subject creates.

· How is cultural participation taught?

· Students will learn and develop an understanding of individuals with lifestyle; vegetarian, how religion affects food choice, specific dietary needs, allergies

· Students at KS3 will use recipes to develop cooking skills but these can be adapted to suit personal taste, family/dietary or religious needs. International cuisine is studied and international dishes are made.

· Students at KS4 will be encouraged to be more creative showing their understanding of individuals with specific dietary needs through planning their recipes, demonstrating appropriate skills and evaluating their dishes according to the needs of the target group.

· Students are encouraged to have a sense of pride and self-fulfilment in their work. Student practical work will be teacher/self and peer assessed. Examples of excellent work will be displayed in the department and rewarded through house points and post cards home.

· Students are encouraged to know how their food is transported, developing and understanding of ‘food miles’ and the impact food transportation has on out local and global community.

· Students are encouraged to reuse and recycle packaging and reduce food waste by freezing or using left overs.

· Students at KS4 will consider the effects of food poverty and how this causes malnutrition and will assess why there has been a rise in food banks in the uk providing assistance to people facing hardship.

Curriculum based visits

Southport College to look at higher skills food preparation techniques eg. Filleting a plaice, sushi, puff pastry, presentation techniques are demonstrated by the chefs at the college.

Pupils are encouraged to enter the local Rotary cookery competition at Southport College from which pupils may then be selected to enter the regional competition.

Extra-curricular activities 

Lets Get Cooking club is run throughout the year once a week after school and most pupils take up the opportunity to attend. Ingredients are provided for pupils with the finished dishes taken home. Young leaders work with year 7 pupils.

In food, skills are developed through reading recipe methods of making. Eduqas text books are used for the theory aspects of the course and pupils have access to the digital version of this book at home to support homework and home learning activities.

Reading development:  Pupils are encouraged to use specialist key terminology in written theory work and in class conversations to broaden the repertoire of subject vocabulary.


The personal development curriculum embraces the strands of Citizenship, Personal, Health and Social Education (PHSE), Careers Education and Guidance (CEAG) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) educational policies.


